A Teacher’s Journey : Change Through Native Languages

A Teacher’s Journey : Change Through Native Languages

In the heart of The Gambia, Muhamadou B. Drammeh, a teacher, had a transformative idea: ‘What if children in his country who have never been to school could received a non-formal education in their native language? This idea came to him after an encounter with...
Highlights from my inspiring visit to The Gambia

Highlights from my inspiring visit to The Gambia

Written by Kelly Baxter Greetings to all our Canadian donors and friends! I have just returned from my annual trip to West Africa for Tostan’s annual Board Meeting. This year we visited The Gambia, where, in addition to holding our board meeting, I had the privilege...
Fatoumatta Jabbie: A Strong Voice for Women in the Gambia

Fatoumatta Jabbie: A Strong Voice for Women in the Gambia

In West Africa, over 30,000 women who have participated in Tostan’s Community Empowerment Program (CEP) have become leaders in their villages and local districts. Fatoumatta Jabbie’s story illustrates the potential of women’s leadership when given opportunity, skills,...
Spotlight on Girls: The Marietou Law

Spotlight on Girls: The Marietou Law

Story by Penda Mbaye, Senior Program Officer in Dakar, Senegal Many years ago I was a facilitator of Tostan’s human rights-based education program, the Community Empowerment Program (CEP), in the small district of Hersent in Thiès, Senegal. There, I saw a 15-year-old...
Portrait of a Leader: Yama Bathia

Portrait of a Leader: Yama Bathia

A few years ago, Yama Bathia experienced gender-based violence in her own home.  Since that day, she has worked hard to create a safe space for problem solving in her community of Bougnadou Manjaque and to challenge harmful social norms, such as female genital...