Empowering Communities to Abandon Harmful  Practices

Empowering Communities to Abandon Harmful Practices

By Dominique Chauvet-Staco For over 30 years, Tostan has been empowering communities across West Africa to lead their own development. As a result, thousands of villages have voluntarily abandoned harmful practices through its unique, human rights-based approach....
Celebrating changemaker, Mame Diarra Nah Traoré

Celebrating changemaker, Mame Diarra Nah Traoré

Discover the inspiring journey of Mame Diarra Nah Traoré in this powerful video showcasing Tostan’s Community Empowerment Program (CEP) in Mali. Watch as Mame, starting as a member of the Community Management Committee, rises to become a municipal councilor,...
What Inspired Me to Support Tostan

What Inspired Me to Support Tostan

By Gail Kaneb I was raised in a close family. We weren’t wealthy, but my parents constantly worked to make a difference. They chaired service clubs, led huge regional fundraising drives for leukemia and local drives to build our school library. By the time I was 12, I...